
jessica pierotti

Founder & Editor

Jessica Pierotti is an artist, writer, and educator based in Chicago, IL with her dog Cremini. She’s incredibly average at taking care of houseplants.
IG: @jesspierotti

Gabriel Chalfin-Piney

Gabriel Chalfin-Piney is an artist and organizer living in Maine with their ceramic cow collection.*

*a modest bovine family
IG: @gabrielchalfinpiney 


Samantha Lopez

Samantha Lopez is a music journalist,and writer, in Chicago, IL. She was raised in The Pacific Northwest, spent time in Austin, TX, and bases her entire personality on those two facts. She’s been feeling feelings a little too much since 1994. 

IG: @thesamantha_lopez

Lilli Y. Garza

Lilli Y. Garza is an environmental justice activist and clean energy fellow currently working from home in Burlington, Vermont. She thinks black olives are a superior food. 

Twitter: @LilliGarza
Linked In


Eli Petzold

Eli Petzold translates and mistranslates dead languages. He lives in Los Angeles and can wiggle his ears.

IG: @elijuhhhhh

Stephanie Pierotti

Stephanie Nicole Pierotti is a retail operations manager currently based in Kalamazoo, MI. She still hates being right all the time.


Annie Zidek

Annie Zidek is a writer, artist, and educator living in Chicago. Right now she co-directs Apparatus, a curatorial and publication project, and lives with a mandible-less cat.

IG: @youngplebeian

Aida Ramirez

Aida Ramirez is an artist and writer who currently lives in Kentucky and, unbeknownst to her neighbors, has been fostering the growth of wild strawberries throughout her neighborhood.
IG: @frijoles.frescos

