reports from nextdoor

excerpts from greater chicagoland NextDoor posts, compiled by Lauren Dacy

good catch, karen

I need muscle and experience.

Shes lucky I’m not her neighbor because i would have posted something on social media.

You better mind your business , you haven’t been long in the neighborhood!

If you choose to be a pig then you deserve a ticket.

Get together with your neighbors around his house, put money together and buy his house.

Gentrification does NOT hurt everyone, in fact, most people are helped by it and want gentrification to grow.

Hey Carmen. I suggest you find a good coffee bean and invest in a burr grinder for a consistent grind and make it yourself. 

You should probably worry less about this, as well as ordering people around, and more about contact tracing.

It's all about control! It's a scare tactic!

You could just report this photo since no one in it is practicing social distance.

Come on people!!!!! DO THIS FOR ALL OF US!!!!!

Muting this inane thread.


She’s wildewoman #1: la vita nuova


something about still lives, and scraping